Who’s and What’s

Who’s Gee Dee?

Gee Dee (@dubitareaude on Twitter) is my preferred nickname and comes from the initials of my name – Gaia Donati. I studied physics in Italy and received my PhD in quantum optics from the University of Oxford, UK. I then worked as a manuscript editor for Springer Nature in London for three years, first at Nature Photonics and then at Nature. I left the UK in 2019 to relocate in Switzerland, where I presently work for a test and measurement company. Amid changes and moves I haven’t stopped being a science writer: I still take on freelance assignments (although I’m selective, for time is finite), I like to keep up to date with the developments in scientific publishing (because I ask myself ‘What’s the scientific paper of the future?’ more often than you’d think), and I spend far too much time on Twitter (vowing to not do so ever again, only to break my word the day after). In my free time I like to improve my photography skills and learn new folk songs (as an amateur singer in love with the British and North American tradition); since 2019 I have also been writing short fiction in English and Italian.

What’s this place?

This website is my online portfolio. As such, some entries link to published pieces that I wrote for various magazines and journals; others are musings that found a natural home here – all in all, they make up a quantum of science.
A note about the URL: ‘dubitare aude’ means ‘dare to doubt’ in Latin – my reminder that doubt nourishes science (and grows with it, as Goethe observed).
I took most of the photos that accompany my posts; when this is not the case, I specify their origin.